Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bald Eagle - Process.

The entire piece is A5 size (149x210mm) Whole process took under 2.5 hours. This piece was done with reference off a photo taken by Michael Melford from National Geographic site on Bald Eagles. >>Link here<<.

30 mins. Started out directly with watercolors. I've not use pencils for some years now because I'm lazy. Over the years I've sketched directly with pen so to some extent it took away any fear of ruining a perfectly white piece of paper.
Bald Eagle WIP 1 30 mins

60 mins. I've already nailed down most of what I want by the hour mark. The rest is just filling in detailing.
Bald Eagle WIP 2 60 mins

Quick comparison to the reference I have on screen.

90 mins. Used another brand of watercolors (Schmincke's) to darken up the background and added details. Started to work in some of the feathers on the body.
Bald Eagle WIP 3 90 mins

120 mins. Added a light hue to the beak. Detailing on the body feathers and lost some definition in the white areas I have left white from the start.
Bald Eagle WIP 4 120 mins

140 mins. Done. Worked on the beak a bit more with some wet on wet to blend the orange into the yellow. Also gave the eye a shadow. Nothing more I add at this point will alter anything significantly so I decided to stop and call it a day. After all this is a practice piece and I've hit the things I want to do in this exercise.
Bald Eagle Complete.  140mins.

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